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Find all the answers you need through real-time Q&A

Quora, Inc. |
added on October 29, 2024
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Personalized content feed consisting of your interests
Detailed and well-explained answers
Community-driven voting and moderation


Some answers can obviously be biased, but this is rarely the case
The quality of responses can vary depending on the subject
Price: $
Do you ever find yourself with burning questions that require genuine, authentic answers? Or perhaps you are the expert who knows a lot about something specific? Well, Quora is the place for you in either case. Whether you are at the receiving end of knowledge or the giving side, this is where you join a diverse community with users all around the world who exchange skillful knowledge on basically any topic.

Real-time questions with expert insights

Quora is a unique platform that has over 400 million active users per month. A lot of these users are experts who love to share their knowledge, provide insightful answers, and solve your problems. Whether it is pop culture, hardcore science, or technology, you will find answers to pretty much everything. The best part is the human touch within the answers you will get.

Personalized content discovery

Quora has an intelligent recommendation system that ensures your timeline is enriched with content that matches your interests. Once you start using the application and interacting with questions, answers, and topics, it will take into learning your interests and start populating your feed with content that matches them. Once the personalized feed is built, you will have a hard time getting off the application since it will become your go-to site. 

Not merely a Q&A app

Quora is more than just a question-and-answer platform. It brings you a community that offers far more value than any other does. It is where you can find thriving ideas or meaningful conversations. It also offers long-form content in the name of blogs which are also present on the homescreen and you can read those or the questions and answers.


While Quora itself is free to use and contribute to, it does offer monetization to its top contributors and users. This is only available in select countries, but if you are a top contributor whose answers are meaningful and valuable, then you might qualify and earn some money on top of the knowledge being shared.

In-depth Answers with rich explanations

Now there are a lot of other Q&A platforms, websites, and apps that do offer a basic to intermediate level of detail in their answers. What sets this one apart from other platforms is the depth and detail of the answers you will find on this app. If the question is complex and requires technical detail, the experts ensure that the answer is detailed and properly explained. There are even images and personal anecdotes you will find on some answers for deeper understanding.

To ensure the authenticity of the answers, Quora offers a voting system where users can upvote or downvote answers. Naturally, the most upvoted answers will be the ones that are more authentic, and the less upvoted ones will be the ones that people cannot relate much to. This establishes the strength of any given response.

A must-have for knowledge seekers

Quora is a unique platform that brought forward a great system for Q&A that is functional, authentic, and enjoyable. Adding to that, the community, the voting system, the monetization, the personalized feed, and so much more, Quora truly stands out and connects you with experts and like-minded individuals offering invaluable resources for learners.
Reviewed by (editor rating 4.5 out of 5 starsEditor's pick Sooftware editor's pick

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Minimum requirements

• Android 7.0+

Operating system


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Supported languages

Available in multiple languages


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